The Math(s) Fix: An Education Blueprint for the AI Age, written by Conrad Wolfram, is a groundbreaking book that exposes why maths education is in crisis worldwide and how the only fix is a fundamentally new mainstream subject. Engaging and accessible yet deep and compelling, The Math(s) Fix argues that today's maths education isn't working to elevate society with modern computation, data science and AI. Instead, students are subjugated to compete with what computers do best, and lose. More details can be found on the book webpage.

What is The Math(s) Fix?
What is Computer-Based Math?
Computer-Based Math is a project to build a completely new math curriculum with computer-based computation at its heart—alongside a campaign to refocus math education away from historical hand-calculating techniques and toward relevant and conceptually interesting topics. is the project to perform this reset. We're building a completely new math curriculum with computer-based computation at its heart, while campaigning at all levels to redefine math education away from historical hand-calculating techniques and toward real-life problem-solving situations that drive high-concept math understanding and experience.
Who is Conrad Wolfram?
Conrad Wolfram, physicist, mathematician and technologist, is Strategic Director and European Cofounder/CEO of Wolfram—the "computation company" behind Mathematica, the Wolfram Language and Wolfram|Alpha (which powers knowledge answers for Apple's Siri) for over 30 years. He is recognised as a thought leader in AI, data science and computation, pioneering a multiparadigm data science approach.
Conrad is also a leading advocate for a fundamental shift of maths education to become computer based or alternatively introduce a new core subject of computational thinking. He founded and to fundamentally fix maths education for the AI age—rebuilding the curriculum assuming computers exist. The movement is now a worldwide force in re-engineering the STEM curriculum. More details can be found here.
Who will be speaking at the Math(s) Fix Conference?
We are excited to bring thought leaders, practitioners, employers and policymakers together along with the core team of Computer-Based Math. The speakers can be found on the agenda page.
What will the registration fee include?
It will include the full access of all sections of the conference as well as the recordings after the conference.
What will happen after my registration?
You will receive a confirmation email after your registration. The join link and further conference details will be shared with you when the conference gets closer.
How can I access the Math(s) Fix Conference on the day?
The Math(s) Fix Conference will be held online via Zoom Webinar. Once you are registered, you will be added to Zoom Webinar on our end. The join link will be provided once you are added. You will be able to join via PC, laptop or mobile devices.
Will there be a networking session and how can I attend it?
Yes, there will be a virtual networking session following the Math(s) Fix Conference. You will be able to talk to our speakers, share your projects and network with people from different countries. The join link will be shared in the reminder email.
If I want to be part of the education reform process or collaborate with you, how should I get in touch?
If you have any collaboration proposals or ideas to share, feel free to email us at We encourage you to sign up for the Maths Fix Campaign for Core Computational Curriculum Change (MFC5) and join our Computer-Based Math mailing list to get updates.
How can I contact you?
If you'd like to contact us regarding this conference, you can either click the "Contact Us" button at the navigator menu or email us at
If you'd like to discuss collaboration regarding the book The Math(s) Fix, please email us at
If you'd like to discuss collaboration regarding Computer-Based Math, please email us at