Self-Study, Sample Computational Thinking Resources (Beta)
Available for free in the Wolfram Cloud, these trial self-study problems are stripped-down versions of the CBM Teaching Platform modules with certificates available upon completion. Featuring embedded video support to lead learners through a problem to its solution, each module prepares learners for tackling an independent project similar to those found on the CBM project repository.
Get Started on CBM Self-Study
First time with CBM or the Wolfram Cloud? This eight-minute video will help you get started and use the resources appropriately.
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Self-study courses: Choose a problem in data science

Think of a number under a million. Was your choice random? How can you be sure? In this course, you will learn how to recognise randomness and how to generate random outcomes with a computer.
“People who took this course earn more in the future!” Learn to be wary of media claims of how one thing causes another and have fun finding your own odd correlations.
Comparing two datasets is a first step in any data science course. In this short course, you will analyse local and national datasets and find out how to present your findings.
Using real data, how do you define when to raise the alarm for possible fraud or bias? How do insurance or credit card companies know when to investigate further?